Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Writing assignment for April Safety Harbor Story Circle Plus a great article

Safety Harbor Library Circle. Third Wednesday of each month 6-7:45.  Largo Library Circle is the first Wednesday of each month also 6-7:45. Both circles are free and open to the public. No writing experience necessary - come on - we know you have stories to tell.

Our writing assignment for Safety Harbor - April 17 - Think about - then write about a situation where your decision was made based on "I was worried I'd offend someone."

Was it a romance, a job, a neighbor? Would your decision have been a better one, or sent you on a different path, if you said what you thought or meant instead? 600 words or less, please.

Interesting article: We had the prompt "Writing a letter to your teenage self" a few months ago at Safety Harbor.  Haven't done it yet at the Largo Library Circle yet.

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