Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Work With The Dream

See the previous post.  The 'good' dream - as I recorded it and told it to my dream buddy the content became clear. Why on earth would I dream about Brad Pitt? Since dreams are often metaphorical and full of symbols I asked myself what Brad symbolizes to me.  I read his image as being: a loving and faithful husband, a devoted father, a success in his career and a man who does good works - is socially responsible. No wonder his dream attention was so nurturing and profound for me. My ideal man.

The nightmare - someone took my car, my keys and was trying to kill me. These are all universal symbols not too hard to figure out. My car is how I get there/travel. Keys are needed to unlock things: could be my house, my car, my heart, my creativity - you get it. So when I reflect on how my life has been going lately, I know what it means to me. It means that the situations in my life that seem beyond control at the moment are keeping me from my writing (creativity). I have an important deadline. Unless I recognize this and draw some pretty tight boundaries around my time I'm dead in the water.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Do You Remember and Work With Your Dreams?

I am struck once again with the impact imagination and perception have. Two nights ago on the full moon I had a nurturing dream. Last night I had a intense nightmare. Both absolutely influenced the quality of my energy on awakening and on my day. 

The nurturing dream left me mellow, feeling loved and confident.

The nightmare has my heart pounding still, even though I know it isn’t real. This is why I work to recall my dreams. If you awake with either of these feelings and don’t realize they are from a dream you won’t know to do an exercise to dissipate the bad energy so it won’t stay around all day, or to be thankful and welcome the nurturing energy to stay around. 

For the “good” dream I’d asked, when ready to fall asleep, “I want a dream where I feel loved.” My dream friend was Brad Pitt - sorry Angelina. The dream was not sexual but full of intimacy.

In the nightmare someone took my car, my keys, and was trying to kill me. My imagination took this as authentic - I was terrorized and still feel the effect an hour after waking. Excuse me please while I go do a meditation to scatter the heavy energy around me. 

Do you remember your dreams?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Monastic Quatrain for Writers

There's an old monastic quatrain that fascinates me. It reads:

    I and Pangur Ban my cat,
    T'is a like task we are at.
    Hunting mice is his delight.
    Hunting words I sit all night.    

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Art of Letter Writing - Is It Lost?

I love to write letters almost as much as I love to get them. Alas, today it is rare to find a personal handwritten letter in the mailbox.

I've saved most of the letters I've ever received, at least the important ones. I always thought I'd enjoy reading them again someday when I get old and have nothing else to do. Ha! Well here I am and I still have plenty of interesting stuff to do.

I just found a fascinating place to submit letters, the ones you write not the ones you receive. But that'll work to prime your writing pen. Find an old box of letters and answer one from today's POV.

I have a precious collection of letters from my dad when he was in the Air Force and I was in elementary school. I've carried them from place to place my whole life. When my dad died several years ago I found a cigar box, inside tied in an old faded pink ribbon, were all the letters I had written to him.

I'm going to follow my own advise and answer one of them from my heart of today. Then I'll submit it here: http://ourunsentletters.com/writers-guidelines/

I hope you'll do the same and sign up as a follower to my blog and leave a comment.