Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Hero's Journey

It has been my favorite kind of day. I'm at home, reading, listening, watching and learning more about the craft of writing. It started at my bookshelf when I spotted a book loaned to me by a writer friend, Warren. The Writer's Journey, Mythic Structure For Storytellers & Screenwriters by Christopher Vogler.

In his book Vogler guides us by a simple idea: All stories consist of a few common structural elements found universally in myths, fairy tales. dream, and movies. They are known collectively as The Hero's Journey.

It was 1988 when I awestruck by mythologist Joseph Campbell thanks to Bill Moyers who did a six part interview with Campbell which later became a book. I began to understand my current life adventure in a new way.

My agonizing  decision to quit my job in 1986, sell my home and move to an island began to make sense in a new way. It would be a long time before I realized fully that I was on a Hero's (Heroine's) Journey. But that's another story. Today, I recalled that I had packed away, somewhere,  the Moyers/Campbell interviews on video. I dug them out to watch.

Later at my computer I ran across a lecture given by Ray Bradbury

If you are a writer or a wanna be, take time to listen. I liked his insistence that to become good at your craft - each night for 1,000 nights - read one short story, one poem and one essay. I'm going to do it! 

Thanks Warren for the loan of the book. It was just the ticket for today. Jan

Please leave comments. I appreciate your views and your feedback. 

1 comment:

Dianne P said...

Great article! I'm reading 'Don't Know Much About Mythology' and it talks about where myths come from and how they (and quest stories) adapt over time and between civilizations! And Jan, I definitely think you are on your own 'Odessey' trip of a lifetime! Just watch out for those sirens, they'll lead you to the rocks every time...